School of Agro-industry, Chiang Mai University College visited College of Food Science

Publish:2018-10-25 Source:SCAU View:284

In the afternoon of March 7th, Associate Professor Noppol Leksawasdi,President of School of Agro-industry, Chiang Mai University, Sujinda SriwattanaAssistant Professor and Head of Department and Srisuwan Naruenartwongsakul,Assistant Professor and Deputy Head of Department, accompanied by Zhuang Xinshu,Deputy of Secretary General of Professional Committee on Biomass Energy ofChina Renewable Energy Society, researcher of Guangzhou Institute of Energy,Chinese Academy of Sciences, held a symposium with Du Bing and Liu Likui, VicePresidents of College of Food Science, and representatives from otherdepartments. 

The two sides have made full exchanges and studies on the establishment ofdepartments, undergraduate and graduate education, and the contents of commoninterest in the field of scientific research. At the same time, the two sidesalso had a pleasant communication on such matters as short-term exchange ofundergraduate students, graduate student enrollment, joint application subjects,and our return visit to Chiang Mai University. After the symposium, PresidentNoppol, accompanied by Vice President Du Bing, visited the large scaleinstrument sharing platform and laboratory of College of Food Science.(Text andPictures/ College of Food Science)

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