姓名 | 吕慕雯 | 性别 | 女 | |
邮箱地址 | muwen90@scau.edu.cn | 通讯地址 | 广州市天河区五山路483号版权所有 伟德国际(betvlctor·1949)始于英国-bv1949.vip | |
办公电话 |
| 所在院系 | 版权所有 伟德国际(betvlctor·1949)始于英国-bv1949.vip-食品科学系 | |
职称 | 副教授 | 担任职务 | 无 | |
个人简介 | 博士,副教授。2017年博士毕业于美国罗格斯大学食品科学专业。2018年以首聘副教授方式引进到伟德国际1949始于英国。主要研究功能食品调节机体糖脂代谢作用及其机制,生物钟基因节律性表达与代谢平衡的互作效应,功能食品因子调控代谢过程中生物钟基因的昼夜节律性振荡模式,以及功能食品递送体系的构建与活性评价研究。教学方面,主持一项伟德国际1949始于英国全英课程建设项目,参与撰写中国轻工业“十三五”规划立项教材专著1部,并发表相关教改论文于核心期刊。科研方面,先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、广东省自然科学基金青年提升项目、广东省自然科学基金面上项目、广州市基础研究计划基础与应用基础研究项目、伟德国际1949始于英国高层次人才引进青年才俊项目、校级全英课程建设项目,参与撰写中国轻工业“十三五”规划立项教材专著1部,作为子课题负责人参与广东省“珠江人才计划”引进创新创业团队项目(1000万)。曾在纽约州食品学会学术汇报比赛(NYIFT poster competition)中获一等奖,研究成果获得2023“中国食品工业协会科学技术奖”特等奖(排名第三)。近五年在食品领域国际期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,目前指导在读全日制硕士研究生9名,已毕业6名硕士生。 | |||
研究方向 | 1. 功能食品调节机体糖脂代谢作用研究; 2. 生物钟基因节律性表达与代谢平衡的互作效应; 3. 功能食品因子调控代谢过程中生物钟基因的昼夜节律性振荡模式; 4. 功能食品递送体系的构建与活性评价研究。 | |||
承担教学 | 1. 食品添加剂 2. 食品添加剂全英课(Food Additives) 3. 食品化学 4. 食品化学B全英课 5. 研究方法与论文写作 | |||
科研项目 | 1. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目, 50万,2025/01 – 2028/12, 主持; 2. 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目,25万,2020/01 – 2022/12,主持; 3. 广东省自然科学基金-青年提升项目,30万,2024年01/01-2026/12/31, 主持; 4. 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,10万,2021/01 – 2023/12,主持; 5. 广东省“珠江人才计划”引进创新创业团队,功能食品递送增效技术创新研究团队,2020/01 – 2025/12,核心参与人; 6. 广州市基础研究计划基础与应用基础研究项目,2023/04-2025/03,主持; 7. 伟德国际1949始于英国高层次人才引进青年才俊项目,高水平专项-人才科研启动基金,2018 – 2022,主持; | |||
已发表的第一及通讯作者文章: 1. Lin, B., Ho, C.-T., Wang, Y., Xiao, J., Lu, M.* Capsaicin alleviates the hepatic clock gene disruption and gut microbiota dysbiosis in circadian rhythm disorder mouse model. Food Science and Human Wellness. 2024, 13: 2947-2958 (IF: 5.6, 中科院一区) 通讯作者 2. Tang, B., Sun, J., Xiao, J., Cao, Y., Huang, Q., Ho, C.-T., Kou, X., Lu, M.* Development of piperine nanoparticles stabilized by OSA modified starch through wet-media milling technique with enhanced anti-adipogenic effect in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 272(1): 132738 (IF: 8.2,中科院一区) 通讯作者 3. Deng, Y., Lin, B., Ho, C.-T., Xiao, J., Cao, Y., Huang, J., Lu, M.* Capsaicin-Mediated Repair of Circadian Disruption-Induced Intestinal Barrier Damage via the Gut Microbiota, Food Frontiers, 2024 (IF:7.4中科院二区) 通讯作者 4. Weng, X., Ho, C.-T., Lu, M.* Biological fate, functional properties, and design strategies for oral delivery systems for cinnamaldehyde, Food & Function, 2024, 15, 6217 - 6231. (封面文章,IF: 6.1,中科院一区) 通讯作者 5. Sun, J., Tang, B., Ho, C.-T., Lu, M.* Piperine Attenuates Bmal1-mediated Glucose Metabolism Disorder in a Trpv1-Dependent Manner in HepG2 Cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023, 71(49):19581-19591. (IF: 6.1,中科院一区) 通讯作者 6. Deng, Y., Ho, C.-T., Lan, Y., Xiao, J., Lu, M.* Bioavailability, Health Benefits and Delivery Systems of Allicin: A Review. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023, 71(49):19207-19220.(封面文章,IF: 6.1,中科院一区)通讯作者 7. 张玮芸, Chi-Tang Ho, 吕慕雯*. 基于脂质组学研究胡椒碱对肥胖大鼠脂代谢基因昼夜节律的影响. 食品科学2024,45(09):124-134. 通讯作者 8. Liang, W., Ho, C.-T., Lan, Y., Xiao, J., Huang, Q., Cao, Y., Lu, M.* Capsaicin ameliorates diet-induced disturbances of glucose homeostasis and gut microbiota in mice associating with the circadian clock. Food & Function, 2023, 14, 1662-1673 (IF: 6.317,中科院一区) 通讯作者 9. Zhang, W., Ho, C.-T., Wei, W., Xiao, J., Lu, M.* Piperine regulates the circadian rhythms of hepatic clock gene expressions and gut microbiota in high-fat diet-induced obese rats. Food Science and Human Wellness. 2024, 13, 1617-1627 (IF: 8.022,中科院一区) 通讯作者 10. Lu, M.*, Chen, C., Xiao, J., Lan, Y., Li, R., Cao, Y., Huang, Q., Ho, C.-T.* Health Benefits of Bioactive Components in Pungent Spices Mediated via the Involvement of TRPV1 Channel, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2022, 129, 266-282 (IF: 16.002,中科院一区) 第一作者 11. Zhang, W., Ho, C.-T., Lu, M.* Piperine improves lipid dysregulation by modulating circadian genes Bmal1 and Clock in HepG2 cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23, 5611 (IF: 6.208,中科院二区) 通讯作者 12. Li, R., Xiao, J., Cao, Y., Huang, Q., Ho, C.-T., Lu, M.* Capsaicin Attenuates Oleic Acid-Induced Lipid Accumulation via the Regulation of Circadian Clock Genes in HepG2 Cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70, 3, 794-803 (IF: 5.895,中科院一区)通讯作者 13. Liang, W., Lan, Y., Chen, C., Song, M., Xiao, J., Huang, Q., Cao, Y., Ho, C.-T., and Lu, M.* Modulating effects of capsaicin on glucose homeostasis and the underlying mechanism, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2021; 1-19. (IF: 11.208,中科院一区) 通讯作者 14. Zhang, W., Zheng, Q., Song, M., Xiao, J., Cao, Y., Huang, Q., Ho, C.-T., Lu, M.* The review on the bioavailability, bio-efficacies and novel delivery systems for piperine, Food & Function, 2021,12, 8867-8881 (IF: 6.317,中科院一区) 通讯作者 15. Lu, M.* The study on the teaching effectiveness of Food Additives. Journal of Qufu Normal University. 2020, 46(6): 1-5. 第一作者 16. Li, R., Lan, Y., Chen, C., Cao, Y., Huang, Q., Ho, C.-T., Lu, M.* Anti-obesity effect of capsaicin and the underlying mechanisms: A review, Food & Function, 2020,11, 7356–7370. (IF: 6.317,中科院一区) 通讯作者 17. Lu, M., Chen, C., Lan, Y., Xiao, J., Li, R., Huang, J., Huang, Q., Cao, Y., Ho, C.-T.* Capsaicin-the major bioactive ingredient of chili peppers: bio-efficacy and delivery systems, Food & Function, 2020,11, 2848-2860. (IF: 6.317,中科院一区) 第一作者 18. Lu, M., Lan, Y., Xiao, J., Song, M., Chen, C., Liang, C., Huang, Q., Cao, Y., and Ho, C.-T.* Capsaicin ameliorates the redox imbalance and glucose metabolism disorder in insulin-resistance model via circadian clock-related mechanisms, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67 (36), 10089-10096. (IF: 5.895,中科院一区)第一作者 19. Lu, M., Cao, Y., Xiao, J., Song, M., Ho, C.-T.* Molecular mechanisms of the anti-obesity effect of bioactive ingredients in common spices: a review, Food & Function, 2018, 9, 4569 - 4581. (IF: 6.317,中科院一区) 第一作者 20. Lu, M., Ho, C.-T., and Huang, Q.* Improving quercetin dissolution and bioaccessibility with reduced crystallite sizes through media milling technique, Journal of Functional Foods, 2017.10, 37: 138~146. (IF: 5.223,中科院一区) 第一作者 21. Lu, M., Cao, Y., Ho, C.-T., and Huang, Q.* The enhanced anti-obesity effect and reduced gastric mucosa irritation of capsaicin-loaded nanoemulsions , Food & Function, 2017.5, 8(5): 1803~1809. (IF: 6.317,中科院一区) 第一作者 22. Lu, M., Ho, C.-T., Huang, Q.* Extraction, bioavailability, and bioefficacy of capsaicinoids, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2017.1, 25(1): 27~36. (IF: 6.157,中科院二区) 第一作者 23. Lu, M., Cao, Y., Ho, C.-T., Huang, Q.* Development of organogel-derived capsaicin nanoemulsion with improved bioaccessibility and reduced gastric mucosa irritation, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016.6.15, 64(23): 4735~4741. (IF: 5.895,中科院一区)第一作者 24. Lu, M., Cao, Y., Ho, C.-T., Huang, Q.* Quercetin nanoparticles produced by wet-milling technique with enhanced dissolution rate, bioaccessibility, and antiproliferative activity on colon cancer cells , 248th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), San Francisco, CA, 2014.8.10-2014.8.14 (会议论文) 第一作者 25. Lu, M., Jin, P.*, Sun, C., Zheng, Y. Research Development of Postharvest Preservation Technique of Loquat, Journal of Qufu Normal University. 2011, 37(2): 89-93. 第一作者 非第一/通讯文章: 26. Xie, P., Chen, B., Ran, J., Zhan, M., Du, H., Hong, F., Lu, M., Cao, Y., Xiao, H., Song, M. Dietary 5-demethylnobiletin attenuated dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice by inhibiting immune response and regulating gut microbiota. Food & Function, 2023, 14(13), 6248-6261. 27. Zheng, S., Lu, M., Xiao, J., Zhang, X., Li, J., Zhang, H ., Zhang, C., Cao, Y., Lan, Y .A novel strategy for preparation of rice bran protein oleogels based on high internal phase emulsion template. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 103(12),5717-5726 28. Liao, Z., Dong, L., Lu, M., Zheng, S., Cao, Y., Rogers, M., Lan, Y., Construction of interfacial crystallized oleogel emulsion with improved thermal stability. Food chemistry, 2023,420. 29. Xiao, J., Tian, W., Abdullah, Wang, H., Chen, M., Huang, Q., Zhang, M., Lu, M., Song, M., Cao. Y., Updated design strategies for oral delivery systems: maximized bioefficacy of dietary bioactive compounds achieved by inducing proper digestive fate and sensory attributes, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2109583 30. Wang, H. A., Tian, W., Li, Y., Yuan, Y., Lu, M., Cao, Y., Xiao, J. Intervention effects of multilayer core-shell particles on colitis amelioration mechanisms of capsaicin. Journal of Controlled Release 2022, 351, 324-340. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.09.041. 31. Wei, F., Lu, M., Li, J., Xiao, J., Rogers, M. A., Cao, Y., Lan, Y*. Construction of foam-templated oleogels based on rice bran protein. Food Hydrocolloids, 2022,124, 107245, 32. Liao, Z., Guo, S., Lu, M., Xiao, J., Cao, Y., Lan, Y*. Tailoring Water-Induced Multi-Component (Ceramide and Lecithin) Oleogels: Influence of Solute Added in Water. Food Biophysics, 2022,17, 84–92 33. Huang, J., Lu, M., and Ho, C.-T.* Health benefits of dietary chronobiotics: beyond resynchronizing internal clocks Food & Function, 2021, 12, 6136-6156. 34. Zhao, Z., Lu, M., Mao, Z, Xiao, J.*, Qingrong Huang, Xuechun Lin, Yong Cao*, Modulation of interfacial phenolic antioxidant distribution in Pickering emulsions via interactions between zein nanoparticles and gallic acid. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 152(1): 223-233. (IF: 5.162) 35. Guo, S., Lu, M., Chen, Y., Hou, T., Zhang, Y, Huang, Z., Cao, Y., M.,Rogers, Lan, Y. * Engineering water-induced ceramide/lecithin oleogels: understanding the influence of water added upon pre- and post-nucleation. Food & Function, 2020, 11, 2048-2057. (IF: 4.171) 36. Duan, Z., Zhang, W., Lu, M., Shao, Z., Huang, W., Li, J., Li, Y., Mo, J., Li, Y., Chen C. * Magnetic Fe3O4/activated carbon for combined adsorption and Fenton oxidation of 4-chlorophenol. Carbon, 2020, (IF: 8.821) 37. Lan, M., Li, H., Tao, G., Lin, J., Lu, M., Yan, R., * Huang, J.*. Effects of four bamboo derived flavonoids on advanced glycation end products formation in vitro. Journal of Functional Foods. 2020, 71: 103976. 38. Cao, J., Yan, J., Wang, Z., * Lu, M., Yue, K., Modified citrus pectins by UV/H2O2 oxidation at acidic and basic conditions: Structures and in vitro anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative activities. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 247: 116742. 39. Song, Y., Wu, M., Tao, G., Lu, M., Lin, J., Huang, J.* Feruloylated oligosaccharides and ferulic acid alter gut microbiome to alleviate diabetic syndrome. Food Research International, 2020, 137: 109410. 40. Dong, L., Lu, M., Gao, X., Zhang, L., Rogers, M., Cao, Y., and Lan. Y. In vitro gastrointestinal digestibility of phytosterol oleogels: influence of self-assembled microstructures on emulsification efficiency and lipase activity. Food & Function 2020, 11(11): 9503-9513. 41. Lan, Y., Lu, M., Guo, S., Nasr, P., Ladizhansky, V., Maria G Corradini, Hou, T. , Ghazani, S. M., Marnangoni, A., Rogers, M. A. * Molecular motifs encoding self-assembly of peptide fibers into molecular gels. Soft Matter, 2019, 15(45):9205-9214. (IF: 3.14) 42. Feng, K., Zhu, X., Chen, T., Peng, B., Lu, M., Zheng, H., Huang, Q., Ho, C.-T., Chen, Y., Cao, Y. * Prevention of obesity and hyperlipidemia by heptamethoxyflavone in high-fat diet-induced rats. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(9): 2476-2489. 43. Lin, C., Zhang, X., Su, Z., Xiao, J., Lu, M., Cao, Y, and Chen, Y* Carnosol improved lifespan and healthspan by promoting antioxidant capacity in caenorhabditis elegans. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2019:5958043. 44. Jin, P., Lu, M., Sun, C., Zheng, Y.*. Effects of Combined Treatment of Low Temperature Storage and Methyl Jasmonate on Chilling Injury and Active Oxygen Metabolism in Cold-Stored Loquat Fruits, Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2012, 39(3): 461-468. | ||||
获奖情况 | 1. 2023年:2023“中国食品工业协会科学技术奖”特等奖(排名第三); 2. 2023年 伟德国际1949始于英国年度考核校级优秀; 3. 2016-2017年 美国罗格斯大学助理研究生奖学金; 4. 2016年 纽约食品学会 (NYIFT) 年度海报汇报比赛一等奖; 5. 2012-2017年 中国国家建设高水平大学公派博士研究生奖学金 | |||
专利 | 吕慕雯,唐碧琪,田欣冉,翁晓岚。一种胡椒碱淀粉纳米颗粒及其制备方法。申请(专利)号: CN202310492181.3 |