姓名 | 吴健锋 | 性别 | 男 | |
出生年月 | 1992.12 | 民族 | 汉 | |
籍贯 | 广东东莞 | 政治面貌 | 群众 | |
毕业院校 | 根特大学 | 专业 | 食品科学与营养 | |
学历 | 博士 | 学位 | 博士研究生 | |
身份证号码 |
| 家庭地址 |
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邮箱地址 | Robbieng123@outlook.com | 通讯地址 |
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联系电话 |
| 所在院系 | 生物工程 | |
职称 | 首聘副教授 | 担任职务 |
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个人简介 | 本科和硕士先后毕业于华东理工大学和华南理工大学食品科学与工程专业,2022年毕业于比利时根特大学食品科学与营养专业并荣获2021年度国家优秀自费职工奖学金(全球650名),并于同年以首聘副教授身份任职于伟德国际1949始于英国。近五年发表SCI论文共12篇,其中一第一作者或通讯作者发表共8篇(均为中科院分区1区),现担任《LWT》、《Food Research International》、《Food and Bioprocess Technology》和《international Dairy Journal》等国际杂志审稿人。 | |||
研究方向 | 食品组分间相互作用 食品工艺与加工 食品质构与稳定性 植物蛋白 | |||
承担教学 | 《发酵工厂设计》 《发酵工厂设计课程设计》 《发酵工程》 | |||
科研项目 | 伟德国际1949始于英国高层次人才引进突出人才项目---2023-2028 主持50万 广州市基础与应用基础研究专题( 青年博士“启航”项目)---2024-2026 主持 5万 | |||
学术论文 | [1] Wu, J.*, Chen, S., Van Damme, E. J., De Meulenaer, B., & Van Der Meeren, P. (2023). Protein interactions during dry and wet heat pre-treatment of skim milk powder (dispersions) and their effect on the heat stability of recombined filled evaporated milk. Food Chemistry, 135974. (Impact Factor: 9.2) [2] Wu, J.*, Li, H., A'yun, Q., Doost, A.S., De Meulenaer, B. and Van der Meeren, P., 2021. Conjugation of milk proteins and reducing sugars and its potential application in the improvement of the heat stability of (recombined) evaporated milk. Trends in Food Science & Technology. (Impact Factor: 16.0) [3] Wu, J.*, Chen, S., Wang, T., Li, H., Doost, A.S., Van Damme, E.J., De Meulenaer, B. and Van der Meeren, P., 2021. Improved heat stability of recombined evaporated milk emulsions by wet heat pretreatment of skim milk powder dispersions. Food Hydrocolloids, 118, p.106757. (Impact Factor: 11.5) [4] Wu, J.*, Chen, S., Nyiransabimana, L., Van Damme, E.J., De Meulenaer, B. and Van der Meeren, P., 2021. Improved heat stability of recombined filled evaporated milk emulsions by wet heat pre-treatment of skim milk powder dispersions at different pH values. LWT- Food Science and Technology, p.112739. (Impact Factor: 6.1) [5] Wu, J.*, Su, C., De Neve, L., Sedaghat Doost, A., De Grave, K., Vermeir, P., Martins, J. and Van der Meeren, P., 2021. Relationship between whey protein nitrogen index of skim milk powder and the heat stability of recombined filled evaporated milk. LWT-Food Science and Technology. (Impact Factor: 6.1) [6] Wu, J.*, Chen, S., Doost, A.S., Ayun, Q. and Van der Meeren, P., 2020. Dry heat treatment of skim milk powder greatly improves the heat stability of recombined evaporated milk emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, p.106342. (Impact Factor: 11.5) [7] Wu, J. and Zhang, L.*, 2019. Dissolution behavior and conformation change of chitosan in concentrated chitosan hydrochloric acid solution and comparison with dilute and semi-dilute solutions. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 121, pp.1101-1108. (Impact Factor: 8.0) [8] Rao, W., Fang, Z., Chen, Z., Wu, J.*, & Fang, X.* (2023). Antibacterial mechanism of metabolites of Leuconostoc mesenteroides against Serratia liquefaciens. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 115335. (Impact Factor: 6.1) [9] Li, H., Wang, T., Su, C., Wu, J. and Van der Meeren, P., 2022. Effect of ionic strength on the sequential adsorption of whey proteins and low methoxy pectin on a hydrophobic surface: A QCM-D study. Food Hydrocolloids, 122, p.107074. [10] Li, H., Wu, J., Doost, A.S., Su, J. and Van der Meeren, P., 2021. Electrostatic interaction between whey proteins and low methoxy pectin studied by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring. Food Hydrocolloids, 113, p.106489. [11] A’yun, Q., Demicheli, P., de Neve, L., Wu, J., Balcaen, M., Setiowati, A.D., Martins, J.C., Van Troys, M. and Van der Meeren, P., 2020. Dry heat induced whey protein-lactose conjugates largely improve the heat stability of O/W emulsions. International Dairy Journal, p.104736. [12] Doost, A.S., Nasrabadi, M.N., Wu, J., A’yun, Q. and Van der Meeren, P., 2019. Maillard conjugation as an approach to improve whey proteins functionality: A review of conventional and novel preparation techniques. Trends in Food Science & Technology. [13]吴健锋, 张立彦*. 离子对壳聚糖/果胶/阿拉伯胶PEC膜性质的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, 38 (3). [14]吴健锋, 张立彦*. 高浓度壳聚糖溶液酶水解条件及改进研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2018, 39 (7): 126-131. [15]吴健锋, 张立彦*. NaCl对猪肉脱水过程中物理特性及微观结构的影响[J]. 食品科学, 2018, 39(14): 67-72. | |||
获奖情况 | 2021年度国家优秀自费职工奖学金(全球650名)
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专利 |