姓名 | 刘旭炜 | 性别 | 男 | |
邮箱地址 | xuwei.liu@scau.edu.cn | 通讯地址 | 版权所有 伟德国际(betvlctor·1949)始于英国-bv1949.vip205 | |
职称 | 副教授 | 所在院系 | 食工系 | |
个人简介 | 刘旭炜,博士/博士后,香江学者,学术/专业硕士生导师,青年教师,“突出人才”引进层次,国际园艺科学学会及中国食品科学技术学会会员,长期从事果蔬加工,营养与组分相互作用研究。香港理工大学博士后,博士毕业于法国INRAE, UMR-408 SQPOV。主要研究领域:1) 食品生物大分子(多酚、多糖和蛋白质)之间的相互作用及其互作机制; 2) 植物细胞壁组分(原花青素和细胞壁多糖)在加工过程中的修饰与转化;3)食品加工与营养;4)固态薄膜的制备与表征等基础与应用研究。近三年在Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Trends in Food Science & Technology,Food Hydrocolloids和Carbohydrate Polymers等国内外高水平杂志上发表论文40余篇,第一作者/通讯作者SCI论文18篇,ESI热点论文1篇,高被引论文4篇,H指数17,参编英文著作3本,研究成果入选INRAe研究与创新报告。多次在国际会议上作口头及海报展示。担任Food Innovation and Advances和Food Nutrition Chemistry杂志(青年)编委,同时担任Food Hydrocolloids、Carbohydrate Polymers、Ultrasonics Sonochemistry、LWT-Food Science and Technology等国际期刊审稿人。 A fruit is not the fruit 小组诚邀海内外“优秀”学子加盟。请联系xuwei.liu@scau.edu.cn。 | |||
研究方向 | 食品组分相互作用; 食品加工新技术; 分子模拟与计算; 加工副产物综合利用; 植物基产品加工与营养。 | |||
承担教学 | 园艺产品加工学(本科生); 现代食品科学技术(本科生); 硕士生英语(硕士课程); 食品加工与贮运专题(硕士课程); 农产品预制菜加工技术专题(硕士课程); 食品工程技术研究进展(博士课程)。 | |||
科研项目 | 1.人社部“香江学者”计划(23年度食品专业唯一),2024-2025,主持。 2.国家自然科学基金青年基金,2023-2025,主持。 3.广州市基础研究计划基础与应用基础研究项目,2023-2025,主持。 4.伟德国际1949始于英国高层次人才引进项目(突出人才),2022-2027,主持。 5.国家农业农村部,现代农业产业技术体系岗位科学家项目, CARS-32, 荔枝龙眼产业技术体系-荔枝龙眼加工岗位, 主要团队成员参与。 6.广东省农业厅,种业振兴行动和科技兴农专项,荔枝耐贮、保鲜关键技术研究与推广,参与。 7.广州市科技计划项目,荔枝低温高效加工关键技术及装备研发与产业化应用,参与。 8.荔枝活性成分与功能评价技术开发,参与。 9.低GI曲奇、野生黑松露等合作项目开发研究,参与。 10.法国Platform 3A (Agroparc, Agrosciences, Abeilles) project: The State, the PACA Region,CPER 2014-2020,参与。 11.法国农业部 “Interfaces” flagship project: ANR-10-LABX-001-01,2017-2020,参与。 12.中国科技部 “863” 计划项目,基于材料基因组工程的高通量设计:2015AA034201,2015-2017,参与。 | |||
学术论文 | 1. Zeng, Y., Zhao, L., Wang, K., Renard, C. M., Le Bourvellec, C., Hu, Z., & Liu, X.* (2024). A-type proanthocyanidins: Sources, structure, bioactivity, processing, nutrition and potential applications. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. (IF: 15.786,一区) 2. Zhou, W., Zhao, L., Wang, K., Renard, C. M., Le Bourvellec, C., Hu, Z., & Liu, X.* (2023). Plant leaf proanthocyanidins: from agricultural production by-products to potential bioactive molecules. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1-39. (IF: 10.02,一区) 3. Wang, D., Deng, Y., Zhao, L., Wang, K., Wu, D., Hu, Z., & Liu, X.* (2023). GABA and fermented litchi juice enriched with GABA promote the beneficial effects in ameliorating obesity by regulating the gut microbiota in HFD-induced mice. Food & Function, 14(18), 8170-8185. (IF: 6.0,一区封面文章) 4. Wang, D., Liu, X.*, Wang, K., Zhao, L., Wang, Y., Zhang X. & Hu, Z.* (2023). Impact of non-thermal modifications on the physicochemical properties and functionality of litchi pomace dietary fibre. LWT, 114878. (IF: 6.056,一区) 5. Zeng, Y., Zhou, W., Yu, J., Zhao, L., Wang, K., Hu, Z.* & Liu, X.* (2023). By-products of fruit and vegetables: the antioxidant properties of extractable and non-extractable phenolic compounds. Antioxidants, 12(2), 418. (IF: 7.675) 6. Wang, D., Deng, Y., Chen, X., Wang, K., Zhao, L., Wang, Z., Liu, X.*, & Hu, Z.* (2023). Elucidating the effects of Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation on the aroma profiles of pasteurized litchi juice using multi-scale molecular sensory science. Current Research in Food Science, 6, 100481. (IF: 6.056) 7. Liu, X., Renard, M. G. C. C., & Le Bourvellec, C.* (2022). Trends and challenges on fruit and vegetable processing: Insights for sustainable, traceable, precise, healthy, intelligent, personalized and local innovative food products. Trends in food science & technology. 125, 12-25. (IF: 16.002, 一区,高被引论文) 8. Wang, D., Wang, K., Zhao, L., Liu, X.*, & Hu, Z.* (2023). Fabrication and application of pickering emulsion stabilized by high pressure homogenization modified longan shell nanofiber. Journal of Food Engineering, 750, 111264. (IF: 6.203,一区,高被引论文) 9. Li, Y., Zhao, L., Wang, K., Hu, Z., & Liu, X.* (2023). Research advances in γ-aminobutyric acid bioenrichment technology. Food Nutrition Chemistry, 1(3). 10. Gong, W., Zhao, X., Manickam, S., Liu, X., … Feng, C., & Tao, Y.* (2022). Impact of cell wall adsorption behaviours on phenolic stability under air drying of blackberry with and without contact ultrasound assistance. Food Hydrocolloids, 137, 108312. (IF: 11.504, 一区) 11. Yu, J., Liu, X., Zhang, L., Shao, P., Wu, W., Chen, Z., Li., J., & Renard, C. M. (2022). An overview of carotenoid extractions using green solvents assisted by Z-isomerization. Trends in Food Science & Technology. (IF: 16.002, 一区) 12. Qiu, R., Wang, K., Tian, H., Liu, X., Liu, G., Hu, Z., & Zhao, L. (2022). Analysis on the printability and rheological characteristics of bigel inks: Potential in 3D food printing. Food Hydrocolloids, 107675. (IF: 11.504, 一区,高被引论文) 13. Xie, C., Wang, K., Liu, X., Liu, G., Hu, Z. & Zhao, L.* (2023). Characterization and bioactivity of A-type procyanidins from litchi fruitlets at different degrees of development. Food Chemistry, 405, 134855. (IF: 8.8, 一区) 14. Luo, Y., Liu, X., Ke, Z., Yang, J., Li, Y., Xie, X., & Li, L. (2023). Insight into the improvement in pasting and gel properties of waxy corn starch by critical melting treatments. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 253, 127285. (IF: 8.8, 一区) 15. Zeng, S., Wang, K., Liu, X., Hu, Z., & Zhao, L. (2023). Potential of longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) in functional food: A review of molecular mechanism-directing health benefit properties. Food Chemistry, 137812. (IF: 8.8, 一区) 16. Liu, X., Li, J., Rolland-Sabaté, A., Perez, S., Le Bourvellec, C., & Renard, C. M. (2022). Experimental and theoretical investigation on interactions between xylose-containing hemicelluloses and procyanidins. Carbohydrate Polymers, 281, 119086. (IF: 10.723, 一区) 17. He, W., Guo, F., Jiang, Y., Liu, X., Chen, J., Zeng, M., ... & He, Z. (2022). Enzymatic hydrolysates of soy protein promote the physicochemical stability of mulberry anthocyanin extracts in food processing. Food Chemistry, 132811. (IF: 8.8, 一区) 18. Liu, X., Renard, C. M., Rolland-Sabaté, A., Bureau, S., & Le Bourvellec, C. (2021). Modification of apple, beet and kiwifruit cell walls by boiling in acid conditions: Common and specific responses. Food Hydrocolloids, 112, 106266. (IF: 11.504, 一区) 19. Liu, X., Renard, C. M., Bureau, S., & Le Bourvellec, C. (2021). Revisiting the contribution of ATR-FTIR spectroscopy to characterize plant cell wall polysaccharides. Carbohydrate Polymers, 262, 117935. (IF: 10.723, 一区) 20. Liu, X., Le Bourvellec, C., Guyot, S., & Renard, C. M. (2021). Reactivity of flavanols: Their fate in physical food processing and recent advances in their analysis by depolymerization. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 20(5), 4841-4880. (IF: 15.786, 一区) 21. Liu, X., Renard, C. M., Rolland-Sabaté, A., & Le Bourvellec, C. (2021). Exploring interactions between pectins and procyanidins: Structure-function relationships. Food Hydrocolloids, 113, 106498. (IF: 11.504, 一区) 22. Liu, X., Renard, C. M., Bureau, S., & Le Bourvellec, C. (2021). Interactions between heterogeneous cell walls and two procyanidins: Insights from the effects of chemical composition and physical structure. Food Hydrocolloids, 121, 107018. (IF: 11.504, 一区) 23. Liu, X., Le Bourvellec, C., & Renard, C. M. (2020). Interactions between cell wall polysaccharides and polyphenols: Effect of molecular internal structure. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 19(6), 3574-3617. (IF: 15.786, 一区,热点及高被引论文) 24. Liu, X., Li, Q., Li, H., He, Z., Chen, L., & Wang, X. (2022). Exploring magnetron sputtering preparation of high-quality LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 films by controlling the oxygen atmosphere at moderate temperature. Thin Solid Films. 139174. 25. Liu, X., Feng, J., & Tao, Y. (2021). Application of Industry 5.0 on Fruit and Vegetables Processing. In P. L. Show, K. W. Chew, T. C. Ling (Eds.), The Prospect of Industry 5.0 in Biomanufacturing (pp. 211-228). CRC Press. 26. Liu, X. & Le Bourvellec, C. (2023). Interactions with other macromolecules, PP 219-238. In: José Ricardo Pérez-Correa, Raquel Mateos & Herminia Domínguez (eds). Marine Phenolic Compounds. Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-12-823589-8. 27. Quah, H. B., Liu, X., Chia, S. R., Nomanbhay, S., & Show, P. L. (2023). Recyclability and reusability of the solvents. In Principles of Multiple-Liquid Separation Systems (pp. 133-170). Elsevier. 28. He, T., Zhao, L., Wang, L., Liu, L., Liu, X., Dhital, S., ... & Wang, K. (2024). Gallic acid forms V-amylose complex structure with starch through hydrophobic interaction. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 260, 129408. 29. Liu, L., Lan, H., Wang, Y., Zhao, L., Liu, X., Hu, Z., & Wang, K. (2023). Acetylation at the O-6 position of t-Glc improved immunoactivity of α-1, 6-glucan from longan by additionally activating Dectin-1 and CD14 receptors. Carbohydrate polymers, 320, 121199. 30. He, T., Zhang, X., Zhao, L., Zou, J., Qiu, R., Liu, X., ... & Wang, K. (2023). Insoluble dietary fiber from wheat bran retards starch digestion by reducing the activity of alpha-amylase. Food Chemistry, 136624. 31. Zeng, S., Wang, K., Wu, G., Liu, X., Hu, Z., Li, W., & Zhao, L. (2023). Time-specific ultrasonic treatment of litchi thaumatin-like protein inhibits inflammatory response in RAW264. 7 macrophages via NF-κB and MAPK transduction pathways. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 95, 106355. 32. Wu, G., Liu, X., Hu, Z., Wang, K., & Zhao, L. (2022). Impact of xanthan gum on gluten microstructure and bread quality during the freeze-thaw storage. LWT, 162, 113450. 33. Zhang, X., Zhao, L., Zhou, W., Liu, X., Hu, Z., & Wang, K. (2022). Variations in the multilevel structure, gelatinization and digestibility of litchi seed starches from different varieties. Foods, 11(18), 2821. 34. Wu, D., Ye, X., Linhardt, R. J., Liu, X., Zhu, K., Yu, C., ... & Chen, S. (2021). Dietary pectic substances enhance gut health by its polycomponent: A review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 20(2), 2015-2039. 35. Wang, H., Tao, Y., Li, Y., Wu, S., Li, D., Liu, X., ... & Show, P. L. (2021). Application of ultrasonication at different microbial growth stages during apple juice fermentation by Lactobacillus plantarum: Investigation on the metabolic response. Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 73, 105486. 36. Lan, W., Wang, S., Zhang, Z., Liang, X., Liu, X., & Zhang, J. (2021). Development of red apple pomace extract/chitosan-based films reinforced by TiO2 nanoparticles as a multifunctional packaging material. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 168, 105-115. 37. Song, S., Liu, X., Lin, H., Wang, X., & He, Z. (2019). Spectral Characterization of Electrodeposited Cu 2 ZnSnS 4 Thin Films on Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 39(9), 2940. 38. Xu, D., Pan, K., Liu, X., Wang, X., Wang, W. Z., Liang, C. J., & Wang, Z. (2016). Raman and Visible-Near Infrared Spectra of Cu (InGa) Se2 Films. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 36(10), 3197-3201. 39. 曾雨, 赵雷, 王凯, 胡卓炎, & 刘旭炜*. (2024). 不同品种荔枝壳A型低聚原花青素的结构鉴定及抗氧化活性比较. 食品工业科技. 40. 郑斯文, 黄世鑫, 周颖钿, 王凯, 刘旭炜, 赵雷 & 胡卓炎. (2023). 基于MATLAB图像处理探究气泡酒的气泡特征.食品与发酵工业 (19),120-126. doi:10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.034983. 41. 曹琳彩,文舜华,王凯,刘旭炜,胡卓炎,赵雷 & 沈兴..重组荔枝类甜蛋白的高效表达、纯化及活性鉴定.食品与发酵工业. doi:10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.035476. 42. 周颖钿, 黄世鑫, 郑斯文, 朱焱宗, 王凯, 刘旭炜... & 胡卓炎. (2023).龙眼果粉的水分吸附特性研究. 食品与发酵工业. doi:10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.035348. 43. 黄世鑫, 郑斯文, 周颖钿, 王凯, 赵雷, 刘旭炜 & 胡卓炎..GABA处理延缓荔枝果皮褐变及与酚类物质变化的关系. 现代食品科技. doi:10.13982/j.mfst.1673-9078.2024.2.0065. 学术交流 1.第十五届国际植物细胞壁大会 (XV Cell Wall Meeting, 2019), 剑桥, 英国。 2.第三届国际果蔬加工大会(III F&V Processing conference, 2020), 阿维尼翁, 法国。 3.第三十四届欧洲食品科学技术联合会 (34th EFFoST International Conference, 2020), 以色列。 4.第三十届国际多酚大会(XXX International Conference on Polyphenol, 2021), 图尔库, 芬兰。 5.第十六届糖科学暑期交流 (XVI Summer Course Glycosciences, 2021), 瓦赫宁根大学, 荷兰。 6.第七届国际多糖大会(7th International Polysaccharide Conference, 2021), 南特,法国。 | |||
获奖情况 | 2022.12 伟德国际1949始于英国年度考核优秀 版权所有 伟德国际(betvlctor·1949)始于英国-bv1949.vip 2020.12 法国职工COVID-19抗疫优秀负责人 中国驻法国大使馆 2017.10 国家公派攻博奖学金 国家留学基金委 2017.06 中国农业大学优秀毕业生 中国农业大学 2016.11 中国农业大学优秀研究生党员 中国农业大学 2016.11 中国农业大学三好员工 中国农业大学 2016.10 中国农业大学一等奖学金 中国农业大学 2016.10 中国农业大学安莉芳奖学金 中国农业大学 2015.10 中国农业大学研究生会之星 中国农业大学 | |||
专利 | 1. 刘旭炜, 沈润霓, 陈子怡, 胡卓炎, 赵雷, 王凯.实用新型,一种超声氮气辅助提取装置, 202322290862.X 2. 刘旭炜, 曾雨, 胡卓炎, 王凯, 赵雷.发明专利,一种从荔枝壳中高效绿色提取原花青素的方法, CN117024393A 3. 刘旭炜, 陈子怡, 胡卓炎, 赵雷, 王凯.发明专利,一种通过氮气保护和复合频率超声辅助提取荔枝壳中多酚物质的方法,CN117085361A 4. 刘旭炜, 周文艺, 胡卓炎, 赵雷, 王凯, 发明专利,一种原花青素-低共溶溶剂-壳聚糖复合保鲜薄膜的制备方法,CN117004095A 5. 王凯, 刘琳, 蓝海波, 赵雷, 胡卓炎, 刘旭炜. 发明专利,高免疫活性的乙酰化龙眼水溶性葡聚糖及制备方法和用途,CN116854835B 6. 王凯, 谭葆瑶, 赵雷, 胡卓炎, 刘旭炜.发明专利,龙眼核多酚淀粉活性膜及其制备方法和用途, CN116731400B 7. 王凯, 赵雷, 胡卓炎, 刘旭炜.发明专利,一体化龙眼核清洗干燥磨粉加工设备和方法,CN116493325A 8. 胡卓炎, 张曼, 赵雷, 王凯, 刘旭炜, 萧奕童.发明专利,一种富含γ-氨基丁酸龙眼果肉全果粉的制备方法及其复合果粉,CN114766643B |