姓名 | 艾民珉 | 性别 | 男 | |
scauaiminmin@scau.edu.cn | 通讯地址 | 伟德国际1949始于英国教三一楼畜产食品加工实验室 | ||
职称 | 首聘副教授 | 所在院系 | 食品工程系 | |
个人简介 | 艾民珉,男,博士,首聘副教授,2016年6月本科毕业于湖北民族大学,2021年6月博士毕业于伟德国际1949始于英国,2020年1月-2021年1月前往新加坡国立大学联合培养,2021年11月入职伟德国际1949始于英国。近三年发表论文20余篇,其中以第一作者和共同第一作者发表论文11篇,SCI论文10篇,中文核心论文一篇。 | |||
研究方向 | 1.蛋清功能性凝胶设计与应用研究; 2.蛋清蛋黄高值化加工技术探究; 3.禽蛋源多肽纳米乳液递送体系构建与功效性探究; 4.肉类加工与保鲜。 | |||
科研项目 | 伟德国际1949始于英国高层次人才引进突出人才项目,2022-2027,主持 | |||
代表论文 | 1.Minmin Ai, Aimin Jiang, Phosphorylation modification affects the gelation behavior of alkali-induced duck egg white gels, Food Chemistry, 2021, 340, 128185. 2.Minmin Ai, Nan Xiao, Aimin Jiang, Molecular structural modification of duck egg white protein conjugates with monosaccharides for improving emulsifying capacity, Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 111, 106271. 3.Minmin Ai, Zheng Zhang, Hong Fan, Yuanyuan Cao, Aimin Jiang, High-intensity ultrasound together with heat treatment improves the oil-in-water emulsion stability of egg white protein peptides, Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 111, 106256. 4.Minmin Ai, Quan Zhou, Shanguang Guo, Hong Fan, Yuanyuan Cao, Ziting Ling, Ledan Zhou, Aimin Jiang, Characteristics of intermolecular forces, physicochemical, textural and microstructural properties of preserved egg white with Ca(OH)2 addition, Food Chemistry, 2020, 314, 126206. 5.Minmin Ai, Quan Zhou, Shanguang Guo, Yuanyuan Cao, Hong Fan, Shuchang Li, Jiaoli Long, Aimin Jiang, Enhancement of gel characteristics of NaOH-induced duck egg white gel by adding Ca (OH)2 with/without heating, Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 103, 105654. 6.Minmin Ai, Quan Zhou, Shanguang Guo, Ziting Ling, Ledan Zhou, Hong Fan, Yuanyuan Cao, Aimin Jiang, Effects of tea polyphenol and Ca(OH)2 on the intermolecular forces and mechanical, rheological, and microstructural characteristics of duck egg white gel, Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 94, 11-19. 7.Minmin Ai, Ting Tang, Ledan Zhou, Ziting Ling, Shanguang Guo, Aimin Jiang, Effects of different proteases on the emulsifying capacity, rheological and structure characteristics of preserved egg white hydrolysates, Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 87, 933-942. 8.Minmin Ai, Shanguang Guo, Quan Zhou, Weiliang Wu, Aimin Jiang, The investigation of the changes in physicochemical, texture and rheological characteristics of salted duck egg yolk during salting. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2018, 88, 119-125. 9.Hong Fan, Minmin Ai, Yuanyuan Cao, Jiaoli Wu, Shuchang Li, Aimin Jiang, Understanding the hydration of alkali-induced duck egg white gel at high temperature, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 142, 110976. 10.Ziting Ling, Minmin Ai, Quan Zhou, Shanguang Guo, Ledan Zhou, Hong Fan, Yuanyuan Cao, Aimin Jiang, Fabrication egg white gel hydrolysates-stabilized oil-in-water emulsion and characterization of its stability and digestibility, Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 102, 105621. 11.艾民珉, 汤婷, 蒋爱民, 杨益嘉, 游玉婷. (2018). 化学作用力对皮蛋蛋黄凝胶形成的影响.食品与机械, 2018, 34(6), 5-9. 12.范红, 艾民珉, 曹媛媛, 郭善广, 龙姣丽, 李树长, 蒋爱民, 黄原胶和魔芋胶抑制碱诱导鸭蛋清凝胶的高温液化, 现代食品科技, 2021, 37, 172-179. | |||
承担教学 | 畜产食品工艺学(本科生) 食品原料学(本科生) 食品加工与贮藏专题(研究生) 食品工程研究进展(研究生) | |||
获奖 | 2021年伟德国际1949始于英国优秀毕业生 2021年伟德国际1949始于英国优秀博士论文 2021年广东省优秀员工(研究生阶段) 2019年国家奖学金 2018-2021年度伟德国际1949始于英国优秀博士研究生一等学业奖学金 | |||
专利 | 暂无 |