



















版权所有 伟德国际(betvlctor·1949)始于英国-bv1949.vip422












  1. 微生物来源的营养功能活性物质挖掘、活性验证、作用机理研究

  2. 食用真菌全组分深加工技术及产品开发

  3. 农副产品高值化转化技术研究

  4. 食品微生物污染与控制及生物防腐保鲜技术




  1. 高产优质耐高温金针菇新品种培育,省级乡村振兴战略专项-种业振兴项目(2024-WPY-00-006),2024/09-2025/1250万元,主持

  2. 柚子资源化综合利用技术研究及推广,广东省科学技术厅地方科技发展专项-农村科技特派员项目,2021/12-2024/1230万元,主持

  3. 高产优质耐高温金针菇新品种培育,省级乡村振兴战略专项-种业振兴项目(2022-WPY-00-006),2023/01-2024/0650万元,主持

  4. 蛹虫草高分子多糖通过调控肠道脱硫弧菌减轻高脂饮食作用的机制研究,国家自然科学基金(31901693),2020/01-2022/1225万元,主持

  5. 银耳芽孢多糖功能型食品增稠剂开发及其高效制备关键技术研究,广州市科技计划项目(201903010094),2019/04-2022/03100万元,主持

  6. 基于肠道脱硫弧菌的蛹虫草高分子多糖减轻高脂饮食作用的机制研究,广东省自然科学基金(面上项目)(2020A1515010756),2019/10-2022/0910万元,主持

  7. 新型冷光源LED抑菌技术及其在荔枝冷链运输中的应用研究,广东省国际科技合作项目(2020A0505100049),2020/01-2021/1250万元,主持

  8. 由特定肠道菌群介导的银耳多糖酵解及其分子机制研究,广东省普通高校省级重大科研项目(特色创新)(2018KTSCX024),2019/05-2021/0415万元,主持

  9. 伟德国际1949始于英国青年科技人才专项基金,2018-202020万元,主持

  10. 一种高膳食纤维含量的常温型奶酪制备关键技术研究,2023年省科技创新战略专项市县科技创新支撑(大专项+任务清单),2022/12-2025/11200万元,参与

  11. 食材中免疫调节和抗氧化活性成分的分离纯化、结构表征及健康作用机理,十三五国家重点研发计划重点项目子课题,2017/07-2020/1260万元,参与



  1. Xinpeng Yu, Jinglei Chen, Junyong Zhong, Ziqian Zhang, Yingyin Wu, Yuan Zou, Tao Wei, Junfang Lin, Qianwang Zheng*. Antifungal efficiency of LEDs for spoilage pathogens on litchi fruit packaged with different types and thicknesses of films. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2024, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-024-03440-x.

  2. Yingyin Wu, Yifeng Zhang, Shishi Huang, Weifan Xie, Genan Huang, Yuanzou, Zhiwei Ye, Tao Wei, Junfang Lin, Qianwang Zheng*. Anti-obestiy effects of the high molecular weihgt Cordyceps militaris polysaccharide CMP40 in high-fat diet mice. Food Bioscience, 2024, 60:104467.

  3. Yifeng Zhang, Jiahui Zhu, Yuan Zou, Zhiwei Ye, Liqiong Guo, Qianwang Zheng*. Insoluble dietary fiber from five commercially cultivated edible mushrooms: Stuctural, physiochemical and functional properties. Food Bioscience, 2024, 57:103514.

  4. Peijiao Li, Yanwen Wen, Xiaomin Qiu, Douyi Chen, Yuan Zou, Qianwang Zheng*. The rheological, textural, trictional, and digestive properties of starch-based cheese analogs prepared with tapioca starch and almond protein. Internal Journal of Food Engineering, 2024, 20:181-189.

  5. Xinpeng Yu, Jinglei Chen, Junyong Zhong, Weihong Deng, Ziqian Zhang, Yingyin Wu, Qianwang Zheng*. Antifungal efficacy of LEDs against major postharvest pathogens of litchi fruit in vitro and in vivo. Food Control, 2023, 154:110019.

  6. Xinpeng Yu, Ziqian Zhang, Zhuo Jiang, Qianwang Zheng*. Recent advances in the application of LEDs-based hurdle technology for enhancing food safety. Food Engineering Review, 2023, 15:1960214.

  7. Zhiyin Tao, Qianwang Zheng*. Examining the cultivation, degradation, characteristics and health effects of the golden oyster mushroom Pleurotus citrinopileatus (Agaricomycetes): A review. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2023, 25(4):17-26.

  8. Xinpeng Yu, Weihong Deng, Ziqian Zhang, Yuan Zou, Tao Wei, Junfang Lin, Liqiong Guo, Hyun-Gyun Yuk, Qianwang Zheng*. Development and optimization of LED systems for surface fungal decontamination of fresh produce. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2023, 200:112323.

  9. Shishi Huang, Yuan Zou, Hongbiao Tang, Jingyu Zhuang, Zhiwei Ye, Tao Wei, Junfang Lin, Qianwang Zheng*. Cordyceps militaris polysaccharides modulate gut microbiota and improve metabolic disorders in mice with diet-induced obesity. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2023, 103:1885-1894.

  10. Jiayan Xu, Yuan Zou, Liqiong Guo, Junfang Lin, Zhuo Jiang, Qianwang Zheng*. Rheological and microstructural properties of polysaccharide obtained from the gelatinous Tremella fuciformis fungus. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 228:153-164.

  11. Jieming Chen, Yuan Zou, Taotao Zheng, Shishi Huang, Liqiong Guo, Junfang Lin, Qianwang Zheng*. The in vitro fermentation of Cordyceps militaris polysaccharides changed the simulated gut condition and influenced gut bacterial motility and translocation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70:14193-14204.

  12. Xinpeng Yu, Peng Zheng, Yuan Zou, Zhiwei Ye, Tao Wei, Junfang Lin, Liqiong Guo, Hyun-Gyun Yuk, Qianwang Zheng*. A review on recent advances in LED-based non-thermal technique for food safety: current applications and future trends. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2049201.

  13. Xinpeng Yu, Yuan Zou, Ziqian Zhang, Tao Wei, Zhiwei Ye, Hyun-Gyun Yuk, Qianwang Zheng*. Recent advances in antimicrobial applications of curcumin-mediated photodynamic inactivation in foods. Food Control, 2022, 138:108986.

  14. Shishi Huang, Yuan Zou, Zhiwei Ye, Jieming Chen, Jinhai Luo, Yaqi Lan, Liqiong Guo, Junfang Lin, Qianwang Zheng*. A comparative study on the physio-chemical properties, antioxidant and immune-stimulating activities of two national geographical indication products of Tremella fuciformis in China. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021, 56:2904-2914.

  15. Yuan Zou,1Qianwang Zheng,1 Xi Chen, Zhiwei Ye, Tao Wei,Liqiong Guo*, and Junfang Lin*. Physicochemical and emulsifying properties of protein isolated from Phlebopus portentosus. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 142, 111042. doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.111042.

  16. Ruirong Li,1Qianwang Zheng,1 Jiali Lu, Yuan Zou, Junfang Lin*, Liqiong Guo*, Siqiang Ye, Zhiming Xing. Chemical composition and deterioration mechanism of Pleurotus tuoliensis during postharvest storage. Food Chemistry, 2021, 338, 127731.

  17. Long-Zhen Lin,1Qian-Wang Zheng,1Tao Wei, Zi-Qian Zhang, Chao-Fan Zhao, Han Zhong, Qing-Yuan Xu, Jun-Fang Lin*, Li-Qiong Guo*. Isolation and characterization of fengycins produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens JFL21 and its broad-spectrum antimicrobial potential against multidrug-resistant foodborne pathogens. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11, 579621.

  18. Qian-Wang Zheng, Bao-Lin He, Jiu-Ying Wang, Shi-Shi Huang, Yuan Zou, Tao Wei, Zhi-Wei Ye, Li-Qiong Guo*, Jun-Fang Lin*. Structural analysis and antioxidant activity of extracellular polysaccharides extracted from culinary-medicinal white jelly mushroom (Tremellomycetes) conidium cells. Internation Journal of Medicinal Mushroom, 2020, 22(5):489-500.

  19. Shishi Huang, Tay Boon Hui, Hyun-Gyun Yuk, Qianwang Zheng*. Development of an effective two-step enrichment process to enhance BAX system detection of healthy and injured Salmonella Enteritidis in liquid whole egg and egg yolk. Journal of Food Protection, 2020, 83(3):397-404.

  20. Bao-Lin He, Qian-Wang Zheng*, Li-Qiong Guo, Jen-Yi Huang, Fan Yun, Shi-Shi Huang, Jun-Fang Lin*. Structural characterization and immune-enhancing activity of a novel high-molecular-weight polysaccharide from Cordyceps militaris. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 145:11-20.

  21. Longzhen Lin, Qianwang Zheng*, Junfang Lin, Hyun-Gyun Yuk, Liqiong Guo*. Immuno- and nucleic acid-based current technique for Salmonella detection in food. European Food Research and Technology, 2020, 246:373-395.

  22. Qianwang Zheng, Tao Wei, Yin Lin, Zhiwei Ye, Junfang Lin*, Liqiong Guo*, Fan Yun, Lin-Zhi Kang. Developing a novel two-stage fermentation for carotenoid production by Cordyceps militaris. Internation Journal of Medicinal Mushroom, 2019, 21(1):47-57.

  23. Bao-Lin He, Li-Qiong Guo, Qian-Wang Zheng*, Shuo-Xin Lin, Jun-Fang Lin*, Tao Wei, Zhi-Wei Ye. A simple and effective method using macroporous resins for the simultaneous decoloration and deproteinisation of Cordyceps militaris polysaccharides. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2019, 54:1741-1751

  24. Xueqin Yang, Qianwang Zheng*, Linzhi Kang, Qiongjie Li, Zhiwei Ye, Junfang Lin, Liqiong Guo, Tao Wei. Production of resveratrol in Flammulina velutipes by combinatorial expression of its biosynthetic genes. Industrial Crops & Products, 2018, 112:755-761.

  25. 陈洁铭,郑涛涛,郭丽琼,林俊芳,郑倩望. 蛹虫草固体发酵物对小鼠免疫和肠道菌群的调节作用. 中国食品学报, 2022, 22(7): 6-12.

  26. 唐睿,林俊芳,郭丽琼,叶志伟,郑倩望. 银耳芽孢多糖发酵培养基配方、发酵条件的优化及其放大发酵试验. 食品工业科技, 2021, 42(20): 173-182.


  1. 2022年伟德国际1949始于英国“教书育人”先进个人

  2. 2022年度广东省学位与研究生教育学会“优秀教育成果奖”,排名第一

  3. 作为指导老师两次指导员工获得国家级竞赛奖励


  1. 郑倩望,余欣鹏。一种用于食品保鲜的LED杀菌装置,ZL202320429472.3

  2. 郑倩望,唐睿,林俊芳,郭丽琼,叶志伟。一种含银耳芽孢多糖即食蔬菜冲泡固体饮料及其制备方法,ZL202110281624.5

  3. 郑倩望,林俊芳,王久莹,郭丽琼。一种含有银耳芽孢胞外多糖的保湿润肤乳,ZL201910251602.7

  4. 林俊芳,郑倩望,王久莹,郭丽琼。一种含有银耳芽孢胞外多糖的保湿面霜,ZL201910251610.1

  5. 郭丽琼,王久莹,郑倩望,林俊芳。一种含有银耳芽孢胞外多糖的保湿爽肤水,ZL201910252964.8

  6. 林俊芳,林龙镇,郭丽琼,郑倩望,魏韬。一株广谱抗菌解淀粉芽孢杆菌及其应用,ZL201811347161.2

  7. 林俊芳,游俊健,郭丽琼,叶志伟,郑倩望。一种用于待测样品间麦角硫因含量高低的高通量检测方法及其应用,ZL202010807947