姓名 | 李美英 | 性别 | 女 | |
邮箱地址 | lmy1982@scau.edu.cn | 通讯地址 | 版权所有 伟德国际(betvlctor·1949)始于英国-bv1949.vip | |
办公电话 | 020-85283448 | 所在院系 | 版权所有 伟德国际(betvlctor·1949)始于英国-bv1949.vip | |
职称 | 副教授 | 担任职务 | 无 | |
个人简介 | 李美英,女,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。2019.4-2020.4在加拿大联邦政府农业食品研究所访学交流,任职伟德国际1949始于英国,主要从事植物成分活性评价、食品毒理分析、食品加工对营养特性影响等方向研究,主持国家自然科学基金2项,国家十四五国家重点研发项目子课题1项,广东省自然科学基金面上项目及广州市级科研项目20余项,获得 2017 年全国商业科技进步奖特等奖及2022年广东省农业推广奖二等奖, 以第一作者及通讯作者在Food Chemistry , Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,Journal of Functional foods,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,《食品科学》等杂志发表论文30余篇,参编国家十三五及十四五规划教材4部。 | |||
研究方向 | 食品加工与营养 功能食品开发及利用 食品营养与安全 | |||
承担教学 | 承担了人体生理学、中医食疗学、食品营养学、食品卫生学、营养烹调学等多门课程。 | |||
科研项目 | 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:粘附性G蛋白偶联受体介导诺尼果多糖调控肠道黏膜免疫机制研究,2025.1-2028.12,50万,主持 2.十四五国家重点研发计划子课题:不同膳食模式与中国人群健康的相关性研究,2023.12-2027.12,110万,主持 3.广州科技特派员项目:低GI胚芽粗粮产品研发及技术推广,2023.12-2027.12,10万,主持 4.企业委托:糯酿益生元酒糟干燥关键技术及功能性食品研发,2023.4-2024.4,15万,主持 5.企业委托:梅岭泉-18娘娘酒的肠道益生性评价以及发酵前后营养物质变化研究,2021.4-2023.4,20万,主持 6.国家自然科学青年基金:碱性热加工魔芋葡甘聚糖分子链及聚集态变化规律及肠道益生性研究,2019.1-2021.12,25万,主持 7.广东省自然科学基金面上项目:基于“肠-肝轴”研究KGM和Da-KGM降脂活性差异及其分子作用机制, 2018.5-2021.4,10万,主持 8.广州市科技计划项目:伟德国际1949始于英国食品安全科普基地建设,2016-2021,200万,主持 9.广东省科技创新普及项目:广东省食品安全青少年科技教育基地建设, 2018.1-2019.12,10万,主持 10.广州市科技计划项目:“求真悟食”食品安全系列科普教育, 2018.3-2019.3 ,10万,主持 | |||
学术论文 | 1. Zhuangguang Pan , Haolin Luo , Fangqing He , Yixuan Du , Junyi Wang , Huize Zeng , Zhenlin Xu , Yuanming Sun , Meiying Li * , Guava polysaccharides attenuate high fat and STZ-induced hyperglycemia by regulating gut microbiota and arachidonic acid metabolism ,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2024,276:133725. (1区,IF=7.7) 2.Junyi Wang, Ziyi Wang, Fangqing He, Zhuangguang Pan, Yixuan Du, Zhiying Chen, Yuxin He, Yuanming Sun, Meiying Li*, Effect of microbial communities on flavor profile of Hakka rice wine throughout production, Food Chemistry-X, 2024, 21:101121.(1区,IF=6.1) 3.Yixuan Du, Min Zhang, Fangqing He, Zhuangguang Pan, Junyi Wang, Yuanming Sun, Meiying Li* .Exploring the mechanism of allicin in lowering blood lipids based on the CSE/H2S pathway. Food Bioscience,2024,59:10838(1区,IF=5.2) 4. Fangqing He, Yixuan Du, Zhuangguang Pan, Huize Zeng, Haolin Luo, Junyi Wang, Yuanming Sun, Meiying Li*, The composition of phenolic compounds in Chinese olive (Canarium album L.) cultivars and their contribution to the anti-inflammatory properties of the cultivars, Frontiers in Nutrition, 2024,11:1334077.(2区,IF=5.7) 5.Jie Deng, Yilu Bao, Caimin Feng,Yanyan Nong, Zhiming Zhang, Wenfeng Luo*, Meiying Li*. Effect of konjac glucomannan on gut microbiota from hyperuricemia subjects in vitro: fermentation characteristics and inhibitory xanthine oxidase activity. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2024,10:11465940.(2区,IF=5.7) 6.Jie Deng,Xiaoying Zou,Yuxuan Liang, Jing Zhong, Jiawei Zhang, Min Zhang, Ziyi Wang, Kai Zhou, ,Yuanming Sun*,Meiying Li*. Hypoglycemic effects of different molecular weight konjac glucomannans via intestinal microbiota and SCFAs mediated mechanism, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023,234:122941. (1区,IF2023=8.2) 7.Min Zhang, Xiaoying Zou, Yixuan Du, Zhuangguang Pan, Fangqing He, Yuanming Sun, Meiying Li*, Integrated Transcriptomics and Metabolomics Reveal the Mechanism of Alliin in Improving Hyperlipidemia, Foods, 2023, 12(18):3407.(2区,IF=5.2) 8. Zou Xiaoying, Deng Jie, Wang Ziyi, Zhang Min,Sun Yuanming, Li Meiying*. Gut microbiota plays a predominant role in affecting hypolipidemic effect of Deacetylated Konjac Glucomannan (Da-KGM)[J]. International journal of biological macromolecules, 2022, 208: 858-868. (1区,IF=8.025) 9. Jing Zhong, Yuxuan Liang, Yongchun Chen, Jiawei Zhang, Xiaoying Zou, Jie Deng, Da Wang, Yuanming Sun and Meiying Li *. Study and Experimental Validation of the Functional Components and Mechanisms of Hemerocallis citrina Baroni in the Treatment of Lactation Deficiency. Foods 2021, 10, 1863.(2区,IF=5.561) 10. Meiying Li , Ximiao Chen, Jie Deng, Dongmei Ouyang, Da Wang, Yuxuan Liang, Yongchun Chen, Yuanming Sun⁎, Effect of thermal processing on free and bound phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities of hawthorn, Food Chemistry, 2020,332:127429. (1区,IF=6.306) 11. Jie Deng, Jing Zhong, Jin Long, Xiaoying Zou, Da Wang, Ya Song, Kai Zhou, Yuxuan Liang, Riming Huang, Xiaoqun Wei, Meiying Li*, Yuanming Sun* ,Hypoglycemic effects and mechanism of different molecular weights of konjac glucomannans in type 2 diabetic rats,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ,2020.( 2区,IF=5.162) 12. Dongmei Ouyang, Jie Deng, Kai Zhou, Yuxuan Liang, Yongchun Chen, Da Wang, Jing Zhong, Yuanming Sun*, Meiying Li*, The effect of deacetylation degree of konjac glucomannan on microbial metabolites and gut microbiota in vitro fermentation, Journal of Functional Foods, 2020,doi:10.1016/j.jff.2020.103796(2区,IF=3.701) 13. Jie Deng, Jing Zhong, Jin Long, Xiaoying Zou, Da Wang, Ya Song, Kai Zhou, Yuxuan Liang, Riming Huang, Xiaoqun Wei, Meiying Li*, Yuanming Sun* ,Hypoglycemic effects and mechanism of different molecular weights of konjac glucomannans in type 2 diabetic rats,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ,2020.( 2区,IF=5.162) 14. Mei-ying Li, Guanping Feng, Hong Wang, Ruili Yang, Zhenlin Xu, Yuanming Sun*, Deacetylated konjac glucomannan is less effective in reducing dietary-induced hyperlipidemia and hepatic steatosis in C57BL/6 mice, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65(8): 1556-1565 (1区,IF=3.501) | |||
获奖情况 | 2017 年全国商业科技进步奖特等奖 2022年广东省农业推广奖二等奖 | |||
专利 |